Autobiography of hps ahluwalia raju

How tall is mount everest in miles

Some of the places where Ahluwalia did his rock climbing are Garhwal, Sikkim, Nepal, Ladakh, and of course Mount Everest.
autobiography of hps ahluwalia raju

Height of mount everest in km

Major H. P. S. Ahluwalia was an Indian mountaineer.

Who climbed mount everest first

The book titled "Higher than Everest: Memoirs of a Mountaineer" is an autobiographical work of Indian mountaineer Major Hari Pal Singh Ahluwalia, aka HPS Ahluwalia.
K2 elevation
The book titled "Higher than Everest: Memoirs of a Mountaineer" is an autobiographical work of Indian mountaineer Major Hari Pal Singh Ahluwalia, aka HPS .